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Outdoor Paws Pet Supply

A Tasty, Tricky Treat for Your Pup!

Our Slow Snacker Bowls - A Tasty, Tricky Treat for Your Pup!

Our Two-in-One Slow Feeder Bowl and Lick Mat isn't just a meal accessory; it helps to provides mental stimulation that has been proved to be just as important as physical exercise. 

Slow Feeder Benefits: 

  1. Digestive Delight: Rapid eating can lead to digestive issues like indigestion and bloating in dogs. Slow feeder bowls are designed to curb this habit by making mealtime a puzzle-like experience. As your pup maneuvers through the nooks and crannies of the bowl to retrieve each kibble, they naturally slow down, aiding in better digestion.

  2. Mental Stimulation: Just as we love solving puzzles or brain teasers, dogs enjoy the mental challenge presented by slow feeder bowls. It engages their cognitive abilities, keeping their minds active and sharp. 

  3. Weight Management: For dogs prone to overeating, slow feeder bowls can be a valuable tool in managing their food intake. By extending mealtime, these bowls help your pet feel full more quickly, reducing the temptation to overindulge.

  4. Behavioural Benefits: Dogs that gulp down their food may exhibit more anxious or aggressive behaviours. Slowing down their eating can help reduce these behaviours, leading to a calmer and happier pup.

Lick Mat Benefits: 

  1. Sensory Bliss: Lick mats provide a tactile sensation that dogs find incredibly satisfying. The act of licking releases endorphins, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. 

  2. Perfect for Anxiety: Lick mats can be especially helpful for dogs prone to separation anxiety. They offer a soothing distraction, helping your pet stay calm during your absence.

  3. Oral Health: The repetitive licking action can improve your dog's oral health by increasing saliva production. This natural process helps wash away food particles and reduces plaque buildup.

  4. Training Aid: Lick mats can also be used as a training tool. You can spread healthy treats or peanut butter on the mat, making it an enticing reward during obedience training or crate training.

    Two Drool-Worthy Recipe Ideas for Your Pup:

    1. Peanut Butter Paradise: Mash up some banana and mix in some peanut butter (make sure it’s the doggo friendly version). Smear the batter all over the bowl, pop it in the freezer, and serve it up frozen. Your pup will go bananas (pun intended) and enjoy some mental gymnastics while they're at it!

    2. Fruity Fiesta: Smear some plain yogurt (make sure it's the doggo friendly version) and top it with slices of dog-safe fruits like bananas or strawberries. Sprinkle some crushed dog biscuits on top for some added crunch. Bon appétit, fur friends!

    A Tasty, Tricky Treat for Your Pup!
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